Aging Gracefully According to Herbalife Nutrition’s Dr. Nathaniel Vuiniski

Herbalife Nutrition recently held its Wellness Tour with Brazilian doctor Nathaniel Vuiniski. The good doctor has a lot to tell about advancing in years the healthy way. Not only that, he also gave tips on how to achieve youthful energy as we grow older and wiser.

According to Dr. Nataniel Viniusky, a member of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board, we should start early in preparing our bodies for eventual aging. The best way is to prevent the onset of serious diseases is by living a healthy active lifestyle when one is young.

“When we talk about healthy aging, we talk about aging with autonomy – taking care of your life and making your own decisions, growing older and deciding where you want to go, what you want to eat. In aging with autonomy, only 30% of the factor has to do with genetics, 70% has to do with your lifestyle – the way you eat, the way you exercise your body and your brain, the way you handle your body composition, the supplements you take, and your social life,” Dr. Viniusky said

Dr. Viniusky has a degree in Medicine with specialization in Nutrition and Pediatrics, and is a scientific consultant of the Catholic University of Brasilia; coordinator of the Post-Graduate Specialization Course on Obesity of the CBES Department – San Pablo; and chief doctor of the Nutrition Service of the Unimed Hospital – Caxias do Sul. He has done activities in the areas of Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management, and is also the former National Coordinator of the Healthy School Programme.

He further emphasized the need to take the right supplements and vitamins to keep young. Herbalife Nutrition, he said, has the Formula 1 Shake, Herbalife Tea Concentrate and Herbal Aloe that makes for a power breakfast. Aside from the Vitamin and Minerals and other products for targeted nutrition.

The good doctor also revealed the results of the Herbalife Nutrition 2020 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey, where consumers said that healthy aging is about being mentally active and sharp (61%); being physically active (57%); not suffering from illness (56%); living a free and independent life (52%); and not being a burden to their family (51%).

The survey cited four in 10 Filipinos expressed confidence in their ability to age healthily, with eight in 10 saying that they have already taken steps to age healthily. Among those surveyed, 75% said they are taking vitamins and minerals; 28% are taking antioxidants; and 27% are taking calcium to help boost their immune system.

The survey polled equal numbers of Generation Z (18 – 23 years), Millennials (24 – 39 years), Generation X (40 – 55 years) and Boomers+ (55 years and above) in 11 markets including Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Consumers defined healthy aging and painted a positive picture. Respondents said that healthy aging is about being mentally active and sharp (61 percent), physically active (57 percent), not suffering from any chronic or acute illness (56 percent), living a free and independent life (52 percent) and not being a burden to their family as they age (51 percent).

Only three in 10 (28 percent) Asia Pacific consumers expressed confidence in their ability to age healthily. Consumers in Southeast Asia were generally more confident than those in Northeast Asia. Indonesia had the greatest confidence (61 percent), followed by Malaysia (44 percent) and the Philippines (43 percent). On the other hand, consumers in Korea (17 percent), Taiwan (17 percent), Hong Kong (13 percent) and Japan (9 percent) displayed the lowest confidence across the Asia Pacific region.

Majority of Asia Pacific consumers understand the importance of healthy aging, with seven in 10 consumers (73 percent) working on aging the healthy way. The steps they have cited include:

  • Making better nutrition choices (73 percent).
  • Engaging in more regular physical activities (69 percent).
  • Engaging in mentally-stimulating activities or hobbies (50 percent).
  • Taking supplements that promote healthy aging (46 percent).
  • Going for more regular health check-ups (42 percent).