Dermclinic Launches Free Acne Makeover Campaign to Celebrate Over 50 Years of Skin Wellness

Dermclinic invites you to begin your journey toward clearer, healthier skin with their Free Acne Treatment Program. This is in celebration of their over 50 years of transforming lives through expert dermatological care.

Understanding that skin concerns affect more than just physical appearance—impacting confidence, social interactions, and mental well-being—Dermclinic continues its mission of helping Filipinos feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin.

Five (5) individuals will be selected to receive comprehensive, personalized 2-month treatment plans, tailored to address varying degrees of acne severity. Each journey will be documented to inspire others and demonstrate that professional guidance can make a significant difference in one’s overall well-being.

How to Join the Program:

1. Create and post a 1-minute video on your personal Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok account sharing your skin journey and why you should be chosen for the program. Use the hashtag #GlowFromTheInsideOutWithDermclinic and #DermclinicMakeover and tag Dermlinic on Facebook and @dermclinicph on Instagram and Tiktok
2. Send a heartfelt letter or essay to Dermclinic’s official Facebook page describing your skin journey and how this opportunity could impact your life
3. Entries will be evaluated based on the authenticity of your story and demonstrated need for professional dermatological care

“We’ve seen how transformative proper skin care can be—not just in improving someone’s complexion, but in restoring their confidence and joy,” shares Dr. Angela Pineda, CEO of Dermclinic. “This is more than just about clear skin; it’s about helping people rediscover their self-worth.”

Expanding their commitment to skin health education, Dermclinic recently launched “Skin Side Out,” a podcast hosted by CEO Dr. Angela. Available on Spotify, the podcast features honest conversations about skin and hair concerns, where listeners gain valuable clarity through expert insights, myth-debunking, and science-based skincare advice.

Join the growing community of empowered individuals taking control of their skin health journey. Submit your entries until February 21, 2025 and be part of Dermclinic’s continuing legacy of transforming lives through expert dermatological care.

For more information and updates, follow Dermclinic on social media.